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  • Sahameddin G Afjeh


    16869 times


    HiI think the problem in the world is the lack of education. So the education will lead us to a better world; education with Love and unity.

    May 12, 2007



    Deutsch, Türkçe, فارسی

  • About Me

    • I like classic music.

    • Our boys and girls should have a safe place to live, work and study. Sorrowfully the religions, nationalities and races have been misused for the hate, war and disunity and the people are suffering for their believe and the way of life. The slave situation still is in motion and boys and girls are misusing. The people forced to cheat each other to survive. So we should be united and work together to solve these problems.

    • Dear friends. My name is Amir Ghiassi. I am a university teacher in Orlando, Florida USA. I know German, Turkish, Persian, Arabic, English, Latin and Pashto. I have also a boarding school in Orlando. It is a big place over 8 acres and has the possibilities for agricultural, fish and chicken industry or other animals growing. I believe in the unity of mankind regardless to their race, nationalities, religions, and their position in the society.

    • sahameddin wrote on May 2, '08 WHEN LOVE DIES By Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi The young girl, about seventeen years old, steps firmly to the death place; Mona Mahmundizhad, one of my best students, was persecuted in Iran (Persia), because she was Bahá'í. The Bahá'í religion is a world religion which began in Persia. Bahá'ís believe in the oneness of God, the oneness of religion, and the unity of mankind. Bahá'ís strive to eliminate all prejudices of race, nationality, and religion. And Bahá'ís respect that all religions have come from the same God, in different times, to guide mankind. The revolutionary Islamic court in Shiraz, Iran persecuted Mona, and now they wanted to perform her execution. Mona was walking very firmly towards the place of execution without any doubt or fear.

    • All sports .I know that the society is indifferent and some people are cruel and misuse the other people as victims. I know that the system of the world is base of indifferent action and let the people rob and destroy the others. The whole world should be changed in a way that we should not suffer and have free education without drug, abuse, war, cheating, misusing and cruelty. Our boys and girls should have a safe place to live, work and study. Sorrowfully the religions, nationalities and races have been misused for the hate, war and disunity and the people are suffering for their believe and the way of life. The slave situation still is in motion and boys and girls are misusing. The people forced to cheat each other to survive. So we should be united and work together to solve these problems.

    • Dear friends I am looking for good friends and wish to work for the unity of mankind. Peace and brotherhood Love and Unity. I respect people and their positions. As I thing that the human being is the different flowers in the garden with different colors and smell. I hope we can solve the problems in the world by negosiation and respect. I want just spiritual friends with whom we can share our experience and help each other to grow. As a teacher I like to know also the young people. To know their interest and thinking. I think we are a family and should live in peace and unity. For this reason I opened a boarding school to have a safe place for students. The students can work, live and study here. I need students, partners and nurses. Also I need just spiritual friends, pen friends. Amir ReplyForward

    • My dream is that the whole people in the world live with Love and Peace and help each other; so we should not have any hungry children or people. Everybody should have possibilities to study and visite university and the right to have a job and at least minimum life. The people in the world like brothers and sister do not misuse each other and a safe place for everybody .

    • I respect the beauty of the world and believe the equality between men and women. I like the brother hood Love and unity. We should try to build a better world for us and our children. I try to help the young people and students and for this reason I opened a boarding school in which the students can work, study and live. I have no government support or any other churches or religious or other organization support. I pay also high tax for my activities. I need good students, serious friends and partners, nurses and other people who want to work for the unity of mankind.

    • Also to have a better world ;we need good education and Love Unity. We should not spend our energy in bad way; hate and war. For this reason I opened a boarding school in Orlando, Florida. It has a lot of possibilities for activities. It is in 8 acres, has pond for fishing, different cages for different animals, agricultureal activities and place for sports and fun. As long as our people are uneducated and not willing to know about the science we will have the same problem. The business people want to make money and our simple people will be their goals. The only fight that will lead us to be successful is the fight against ignorence and uneducated system. The only way to be released is to educate our people with the new science and modern knowledges including our old traditional knowledges. I am a college teacher in Orlando Florida. I have a boarding school here, also. The students can work and live there. It is 8 acres land with irrigation and other possibilities. I wish to work fo