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  • Kerry


    10576 times



    September 19, 2008






  • About Me

    • SciFi, horror, supernatural, some action, gay and love stories, but many others. Fits mood. Open Season, Hoosiers....worked most on that one. Many more. Grest ones like 2001, facted based such as League of Their Own, Breaking Away, Flood, Eight Man Out, Open Season, Amazing Grace, Brother Sun-Sister Moon, 2001, Star Trek from 1967 to current, Star Wars, Exocist, Fame, Brother Sun-Sister Moon, DeVinci Code, Angles and Demons, more more more!

    • Legs, mind, ok face with what i have to work with.

    • About every thing. movies, theatre, stage craft, multi-media shows such as Disney's Fantasy in the Sky, LASER light-Fireworks-Music show which I produce on a small scale here in Indiana. More travel, and YOU. O then there is something called sex which is 100% natural (get over it guys, it is a simple biological function-unless you are not human.) Human rights, ACLU, Research into health,science, and why etc.

    • Why do we love, hate, worship, avoid physical contact, dislike some but not others, why do we do what we do? Why do some think they are more important than others? Why the US is so stuck on itself even as we are way down the list on most things that even counts i.e. education, health, happyness and we're the most hated nation on earth-well we know that one-Bush, but thankfully it is changing. Why the cult of religous right wing idiots KNOW they are right and speak for america. Why are only those who go to a certain church going to heaven? Why we live on earth in our own hell or heaven. We make heaven or hell right here, right now. In 100 years we are all just food for worms. Why we worship a man called god in any religion. Is he more important than our race-Human. Why-who says so? Why people think the bible is more than a book of history, fables? Why we list people by race i.e. blace, white, latin. We are Human. Why we think we are the only life form with feelings? When (not if) will we meet life from another world. Why parents teach children to follow in their foot steps i.e. hate one person, type or another? And why we think about why we think why?

    • Kerry Dean Consulting