About Me
★► music from west n asia
☀ Korean movies & dramas..,
★►all korean variety shows..,^^
☀ all interesting st0ry..,n0vels n magazines especially..,^^
★► gymnastic,netball n tennis :D
☀ *(.............?????.............)*
★► I wanna learn h0w t0 be independent.., Travel ar0und the w0rld..,2 be a g00d chef n make my parents pr0ud :)
☀ my smile,my style n my attitude..,^^
im the type 0f girl wh0 says sweet things fr0m the b0tt0m of my heart.,like having friends with 0ther n l0ve hanging 0ut with friends.,im the girl wh0 has a smile 0n her face when everythings g0ing wr0ng..,but im the girl that can be in a cr0wded room n fell s0 al0ne..,im the girl wh0 tells herself everything well b alright..,but im that girl wh0 cries herself 2 sleep..,im the girl wh0 l0ved s0 many pe0ple..,yet trusts n0 0ne..,im the girl wh0 seems like the happienest girl in the w0rld..,but all she d0es is w0rry..,im the girl that cant b satisfied..,im the girls wh0se searching 4 s0mething..,that n0t even there..,!!!
✿ ʍ¡ઽઽ lølყ ρѳlყ ✿ >‿◕
31302 times
!!..h0me sw33t h0me..!!
Qwertyuiop : )
February 5, 2009