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  • Kelvin :)


    3346 times

    Green World

    ^Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. and will never see again so enjoy life & make each moment beautiful and memorable^

    September 20, 2006






  • About Me

    • All that rocks, have their own unique way of expressing their music!

    • Lord of the Rings 1, 2, 3, Death Notes 1, 2, 3 , Stay Alive, Eragon, Night at the museum, spirit of the victim, ghost tunnel, Ghost rider, national treasure , coming soon, Watchmen(DUN EVER WATCH WASTE MONEY), coming soon, hotel for dogs (Cute doggy), The Unborn (Horror), The fast and furious 4, The house(Horror +Murdering Case movie), Friday the 13th, Star Trek, Avatar, clash of the titans,Ip Man2 ....

    • Dunno, dun really watch.

    • Comics

    • I dun have any fav sport in mind yet.

    • Exploring the world, traveling


    • My eyes maybe....I thk my heart too cus no matter what i do i will always try to put my heart and soul to do it.^^

    • I am a happy and straight guy who love to chat and talk rubbish(not abt sex) but abt lame things, eat sleep n play. Currently working as a Supervisor in a Cafe Restaurant ^^

    • Say ugly, not so ugly. Say handsome, of course not.Say rich, sure not.Say poor, not really.SAY SAY SAY!!! So i am just an average living thing standing on this round globe,called the earth which is spinning around the galaxy. Some time, some where, some place,someone might notice me or while others might have 'miss' me .2 phrases of advice: Work Hard, Play Hard ,Study Smart, Learn Smart, But don't break your loves hearts! Without loves, Dazs are Sadday, Moandays, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Frightday and Shatterday so why nt fall in love! I hope to meet more living things out there and learn to interact and get to know their behavior better! HAHA!

    • I want to find my juilet as soon as possible.... so tht i can live happily ever after. Most importantly she will always be there for me when i need her....

    • Curently Not Playing any...

    • U can add me here as a friend chat with me if not msn messasger @: Feel free to ask me anything, i will respond.ASAP. I dun use this often add me on facebook same email =)!!!!

    • Thanks for ur visit^^ Cheers^^ Try to refresh (F5) if some pictures cannt see. Comments and feedbacks are most welcome. (Pls dun ask me to join ur company/ or join web cam members whtsoever cus i am not interested in any thanks!)