About Me
mAgkahiwalAy by d'b5, and so much more that is so many to mentioN..^^ ahmm.. liKE... go on GirL,bleEding LOve, reaLIzed, bubbLy, and like i said so much morE..ahehehe yoH chilL..^^
sPideRMan1,2,3.TransfORmeR, forbidDen kiNGdoM, kung fu panda,princesS moNonoKe, narutO tHe MoviE 1,2,3,4..yoh peaCE..^^
Add your favorite movies and actors...
tHat onlY gOd knoWs the fuTurE anD I'm 100% suRe u KNow nOthiNg to Your FutURE..^^ we can't see iT buT we caN worK fo iT....~chaos~
I'm into sketching,drawing,making poems, on the other hanD, im into studyiNG cause nursing is not aN easY course, hate to admit but its a pain in tHE asS..^^
wanT to heLp my fatHEr and mother and let my y'sis and y'bRo go to schooL until they finisH schooLing.. i waNT to be a nUrse somedaY..or to be a doctOR if i couLD..^^
Timothy Ken [♔†⊕m†⊕mςレυც Asia pEtS]
5407 times
Adventure time.
cHaoS does Not always meaN darkNess reigN.. iT has its meaniNg by itseLf made bY mE..
May 15, 2008
English, Tagalog, 日本語