Medih C
5000 times
My Gh style
Still Evil .... Still Me
March 7, 2007
About Me
Imagine Dragons, The Script, Of monsters and men, R.H.C.Pepper, Asa, Simple Plan, Pink, OneRepublic, Bjork, ect...
Nyphomaniac, Melancholia, Zodiac, The Departured, The Help, The Fall, The Ruin, Funny Game, Exocism of Emily Road.
Criminal mind, Reverlage, Simson, HappyTreeFriends... So you think you can Dance. For Usaully Forget it !! ไม่ดูคับ !!
HArry Potter / Unfortunatly story / Nine Life / Improvice / Color / Demon eyes Wizard / Manga...bla bla bla
Swiming, Team Dancing. Diving, Cycling
in everyone who l like. Love to survay all of each part of body.......... I don't need a friend who changes when I change n' nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.
is Thing that i wish/hope and not be come true now. it's too many dreams that mine.......สิ่งหวังและยังไม่เป็นจริง...ซึ่งมันมีเยอะเกินไป อย่างแรกก็...หุหุหุ
My eyes, my brian,my tongue...
I dun know how to PresenT myself like How Good best or Shit Bad i am. But iF U Learn me More n' morE u wiLL find m0re n' moRe tHing that hidE Inside Me.....
ยินดีที่ได้รู้จักทุกคนนะคับ ^^ ตอบช้าหน่อยแต่ยินดีคุยคับ ^^ ไม่ใช่สเปกของใคร อย่าไปเสียเวลาเลยคับ