(GuardianVampire) Retluc De Ku
1219 times
"Seek not, my soul, the life of Immortals; but enjoy to the full the resources that are within thy reach." (Pindar)
January 12, 2007
About Me
Disturbed, Battlelore, Rob Zombie, The Doors, Breaking Benjamin, BareNaked Ladies, Luca Turilli, Marylin Manson, G Tom Mac, Korn, Godsmack, Nickleback, Theatre des Vampires, Legion of the Damned, The 69 eyes, Rolling Stones and more...
I like so many movies I cannot name all of them...Twilight, Queen of the Damned, The Lost Boys 1&2, Interview with a Vampire, Sweeney Todd, Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Cry Baby, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Elerado, Prince of Egypt, War, I am Legend, Pirates 1,2,3, Harry Potter 1,2,3,4,5, The Crow..all of them, Slithers, Premonition, BioDome, Children of the Corn, Rose Red, Wanted, War of the Worlds, Transformers, Unleashed, Hitched, Hitch, The Protector, Mission Impossible 1,2,3, FightClub, Rock Star, The Secret Window, Dungeons and Dragons, Transformers, Aliens, Preditors, Alien vs. Preditor, Mortal Combat 1,2, 13 Ghosts, Fast & Furious 1,2,3, Vampires-Los Muetos, 30 Days of Night, Lion King 1,2, 1/2, Into the Wild, Madagascar, Forgetting Sarah Marshal, My Best Friends Wedding, and many, many more.
Love it...Psych, It Takes a Thief, Smallville, Monster Quest, Ghost Hunters, House, Friends, That 70's show, Two and A Half Men, Heros, Jerico, Eureka, Dirty Jobs, Moonlight, Criss Angel Mindfreak, Criminal Minds, NCIS, CIS-NY, Angel, Charmed, Cities Underground, The Universe, Kyle xy, Mythbusters, Bone Detective, Spongbob, Yugio, Dinisaour King, Ninja Turtles, and many more.
Twilight series, Anne Rice-Vampire Chronicles, There will be Dragons, Harry Potter, Treasure Island, Steven King's books, R.L. Stine's books and many more.
I don't really care much for sports but I enjoy wrestling...Sting-TNA and Thorn-ECW...then football...Colts...
"We are each of us in this world an angel with only one wing. In order to fly we must embrace each other." (unknown) "One who steals is not a pirate but his or her fears will inspire it." (Retluc-unkown)
I have no idea...
Vampire and Dark Art, Movies, Music, Magic...
Flying high, immortal, watching the world change around me...
www.myspace.com/retluc http://retluc.deviantart.com/ ...join TVD-supporters of Vampire and DarkArt- http://weareminion.deviantart.com/ ...