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  • Sahameddin A Ghiassi


    17411 times


    I would like to work for the humanity and help the people.

    September 7, 2008




  • About Me

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    • I did movie about the problems of life:I am Amir Ghiassi. My background includes teaching in college, university and high schools level, translations, interpretations, and writing. Currently, I have a boarding school located on a several acre property that includes a farm and a poultry and fish hatchery. And over twenty furnished rooms. International students and others looking for a boarding school where they can learn English and foreign languages. I am also looking for business partners to expand the school, school farms, and the hatcheries. I am a university teacher in foreign languages I am fluent in eight languages. I can teach eight languages. They include German, Turkish, Persian, English, Arabic, Pashto, Latin and other languages. I was instructor at University of Tehran, German and British High schools, German Embassy School, Oviedo High school, Seminole County Community College, Iranian High schools and Iranian S American Language and Boarding School in USA, Florida, and Orlando. This boarding school is nice beautiful and in compare with classes in university and other places much cheaper. Even my boarding is cheaper. Because I wish to help the students.

    • I love to read books, and I have a boarding school to help the people. My library, a lot books for read, movie and toher possibilities. For the unity of mankind

    • Volley ball

    • Education and understading. To measure a nation with the measurement of other nation is wrong. In Iran the girls are covered and that is normal ; most of the have no boy friends and that is normal there, too. But in the 'West ; it is different, the girls are not covered and you can see their body , but that dose not mean they are cheap or not normal. They are for West culture normal. In Iran or Middle East if a girl is not virgin or had boy friend is a bad , cheap girl, in West that is normal. So we should respect other culture and other way of life. So they can respect ours. The people in East think, the girl in West is cheap and is easy to get, because she is not covered and she is with their measurement easy girl as she has less clothes. But she is not easy to get, may be she is even more difficult to get as a girl in the Middle East. As they are free and can easily go and they select also. So nice women and nice girls should be respected as like beautiful flowers. Their mind and their education should be considered also. They are not just a beautiful things. We should not judge so fast and with our measurements.

    • sahameddin wrote on May 2, '08 WHEN LOVE DIES By Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi The young girl, about seventeen years old, steps firmly to the death place; Mona Mahmundizhad, one of my best students, was persecuted in Iran (Persia), because she was Bahá'í. The Bahá'í religion is a world religion which began in Persia. Bahá'ís believe in the oneness of God, the oneness of religion, and the unity of mankind. Bahá'ís strive to eliminate all prejudices of race, nationality, and religion. And Bahá'ís respect that all religions have come from the same God, in different times, to guide mankind. The revolutionary Islamic court in Shiraz, Iran persecuted Mona, and now they wanted to perform her execution. Mona was walking very firmly towards the place of execution without any doubt or fear. She was singing Bahá'í songs and was walking like an angel towards her place of death.

    • I wish to be useful and be in the condition to help the people. * Dear Charles T. I would like to have real friends. Like sister and brothers, so we can work for the unity of mankind. I have a boarding school. I need also partners who have knowledge in agricultural activities, fish and chicken products. As the school is big is over 8 acres with irrigation and lights, fence and a lot of courts for sport activities. I love also the pure love. I do not need sex partners. I need people to work for the humanity and unity. As I lost my family and children ,because of religion persecution in Iran as my mother was Bahai and my father was Moslem. I need to replace them with real friends. I have been persecuted three times, for Bahai religion, for Moslem relgion and for nationality. So I am trying to help people not to be persecuted also. I have a huge facility , but I need help. Partners, real friends and students. I am also a college teacher and know eight languages. Amir * Reply * Forward

    • Amir Ghiassi 1022 Silcox Branch Circle, Oviedo, Fl 32765 tel; 3217657108 I have a boarding school with farms, for production of Organic food. I can rent rooms and you can plant your own food in the farm. I am in the middle of the city near university. I need partners and students. I know also 8 languages.