Stuart G
5940 times
“Friendship is like pissing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel it's true warmth!!!”
June 9, 2008
English, Français, Español - España
About Me
Classical, Old Rock, Folk, Jazz, R&B (some,not all)& New Age. Fave artists...Dylan, Kristoferson,James Taylor,Joni Mitchell Led Zepp, Moody Blues, Gladys Knight,John Tesh,Stones, Beatles,Deep Purple,Jon Serie,Llewellyn..
Ben Hur (nothing can beat the chariot race for pure adrenalin-filled excitement) Amistad - cried my eyes out at the cruelty but rejoiced with Quincy Adams speech to the Supreme Court which helped set Cinque and his group free...Bullet - super cool Steve McQueen plus the mummy and daddy of all movie car chases....Aliens (the 2nd one)..Slick screenplay and effects...I was terrified !!
Conversations With God (series) by Neale Donald Walsch - the books that changed my life......A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws by Diane Cooper
Leeds Utd. FC - (well somebody has to be don't they?)
Alternative Healing - The Universe - Cooking - Languages - The concept that everything man-made started with a SINGLE THOUGHT
See "The Switch" in 2012 enable all humans to become unselfish..
My ability to stay cheerful & relaxed most of the time
I long for the love of a good woman who will not look upon me as a “money box,” or be unfaithful, but treat me with respect, support, trust, love and affection, as indeed, I will do so for her.... That woman will have everything from me and will be pampered with all of my love and more, forever! I have lived in and travelled to many places throughout the world, e.g. Panama, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Dubai, Barbados & USA . and have gained a great deal of life experience. My career has been mostly in Banking and Finance as a Money & Derivatives Trader, but now I have taken early retirement. I am also a spiritual person, having become a Reiki Master in 2003.....I also practice Indian Head Massage and Ear Candling.. I am not rich : I am not poor...just comfortable! I am not obsessed by financial or material things, as I believe the wider picture of life illustrates that true happiness lies within and not in any material object.
Country walks, pubs, staying fit, my BMW Z3 convertible...it's fab!!...dining out - will try anything !!Love Thai and Good quality Indian...I collect old banknotes and coins....like cooking at home...my PC
Retire to Barbados ...own a large house situated on a West coast beach..own a nice property in England....November to April = Barbados...May to October = England.... Find my one true love who will stay with me until I pass...