The Spirit (Alex Gamble (fb)
83051 times
Looking for my twin flame!!
April 25, 2008
About Me
Lauryn Hill, DMX, Phil Collins,Bone, Jimmy Hendrix(truly talented) Nas,Sade, Bob Marley, Donnie Hathaway, Coldplay,, Joss Stone,John Legend,Carrie Underwood(Akon by 2011 will be one of the richest artist on earth), Sheryl Crow,Talib Kweli,Alicia Keys,Kanye West( man what were you thinkin'), Earl Klugh,Swiss Beats, R. Kelly,Smokie Norful, Donny McClurken, The Game, Black Eyed Peas,Julio Eglasias.I grew up in the rap generation, so it has an influence in my life, but it surely has changed! I enjoy most music that has a clear meaning and true experiences.I believe God is bringing forth a new day in music in which artist speak about their contributions to humanity and how they can serve the less fortunate. Instead of what one has, women being viewed as loose and nieve exploiting their bodies for attention. I pray, I may be a part of this move of God. Just imagine in the rap game in particular, if they put their minds together to collaborate how to help the hood instead of keeping the hood in an oppressed slave mentality. Drugs, Bitches and Money that's "Old". Collaborating, Building and Uplifting that's "New". Life is about choice, I'm not hating but just asking for more diversity.
The Matrix, Ghandi,Scarface(taught me that you can get caught up in life and not realize it until it's too late. I truly have to many to name,I love to see uplifting shows, movies and documentaries, especially those that talk or focus on civil and humanitarian leaders who thought more of others than themselves. Will Smith's movies!!
Everybody hates Chris, Jamie Foxx Show.Positive, Uplifting and Loving programs. Extreme Makeovers(Home Edition), HGTV, if you ever need a faux finish painter, I do travel!! Positive, Positive, Positive, Screw scary, demonic, satanic shit, people may not believe it but it truly corrupts the thought process!! I really enjoy documentaries, NatGeo and especially Comedy, I believe naturally funny comedians are those who don't have to use profanity every other word, I call them"fillers" to suffice for substance that is truly not that funny.The game is changing!!
The Bible, Cultural books, Cooking, Self-Help,As a man Thinketh, Mastering the Self,too many to name. Historical books of truth really catch my interest.
Most sports and physical fitness. I like it all when it comes to sports, true Cleveland Cavaliers fan, When it comes to sports, I follow those who have alot of heart on various teams. Kevin Garnett, Kobe Bryant, Jason Kidd,Kevin Durant, Blake Griffin and the Clippers,Dwight Howard,Stephon Curry,Amare Stoudemaire Carmello Anthony especially Dwayne Wade!! Lance Armstrong is Amazing, Barry Bonds,Derek Jeter,Jim Thome, way too many to name. Two favorites one being Steve Smith(retired Miami Heat), do you know how much he has given to charities? Congats to the other being Hines Ward (Pittsburgh Steelers), this guy keeps a smile on his face always(Godly)!!I've never seen such supportive fans as the Oakland Raiders and Los Angeles Lakers! Dominicans rock the baseball scene!!
People as a whole interest me, psychology and the human spirit! What makes people do what they do, see life in different ways and aspects!! To hear personal stories, understand the various cultures. To take my ideas, insight and visions and just make a difference to someone, somehow! My interests aren't returning to the "good, old days" as some might say because since human existence their has been unrest and turmoil in and on earth. What I would like to see is morals restored , respect for others and show a different side to life that doesn't lead to destruction. Build, build,build the minds, the spirit and hopes for the future generations.
To help the oppressed and impoverished all over the world!! How can I help someone on the other side of the world, if I can't help a neighbor two doors down? Two biggest dreams, first, not only be a father to my four children but be the best friend they could ever ask, for the remainder of my days on earth!! Second, to do a stage presentation on my interpretation of what the spirit means to me, it would be Godly, funny, touching, relating to all cultures and hopefully eye-opening!! To be blessed enough to travel different countries and cities throughout America, Oh, I said two!!
Appreciating others, being able to connect with most people, humility, being able to see the growth in a forty year period of my spirit. Knowing I am far from perfect and still have a lot of work to do on myself! Patience, understanding and growing into a listener as much as I like to talk. I've noticed when adults get older 50's an up, they have a tendency to scold youth in a manner as if they never went through similar things in their childhood. I chastise my own but in a empathetic way, to let them know how those same mistakes have affected my life!
We are truly in a time that evident changes are occuring. You turn on the news and see the negativety,destruction and hopelessness on all fronts(every part of the world).What's taking place now is God is seperating the chaff from the tare,the good from the bad. Trust me the Kingdom has come. We turn a blind eye, but truly can we when we are constantly reminded by all the natural disasters that are taking place worldwide. God is speaking, are we listening? We must tear down the vail of distraction and fear. Begin to love each other. No matter what religion, culture, color, age, backround or social status. I can tell you, I've dealt with people from high-end estates in Beverly Hills and ghetto's of Cleveland,Oh and Los Angeles and I see clearly there is good and evil in both, I choose to deal with the good and god-like. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added. We all slip up church goers and non-believers,the answers to this "Matrix" lie in the"Bible". Love
My children, I believe all children are awesome under the right direction. We as children get older and teach our children what we are taught, misconceptions, stereotypes, hatred, envy, "you can't" syndrome!! You know what I say, "Fuck " generational curses, my goal of all of this is to break them. Personally, a German, Muslim, Iranian, South African, and all other religions and cultures, haven't directly hated on me> So I must love them even if they were to become my enemies. Public Enemy(rap artist) made a song called" Don't believe the Hype", believing that Evil is greater than Good", that is the hype. The greatest deception the Devil ever pulled is making people believe he doesn't exist!! One of my best features is not measuring two people as if they are the same, Every relationship is different, "Every"!! My words and my compassion that I have for people in general. I don't care where your from and what material gifts one possesses. I'm interested in your heart and your mind and how I can help, if I can help.
To love people, motivate, share my experiences in life to help othersI am a Faux Finish Artist that is currently pursuing my "calling" which is a" World Motivator" with a comedic edge. Don't be shocked if you see me coming to a city or town near you. Making people feel good, assuring there self worth, finding there strengths, help them with a plan,treating everybody with respect and goodness, no matter how pretty or strong,popular or lonely. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus and not tearing a person down,bullshiting them or judging them. What you see is what you get, I can accept that but as a friend let's brainstorm together on,"How we can make us better and the world we live in. I guess like what some call,"lifecoaching", but not for profit. My goal for the next two years is to motivate people in this sad(because of man's evil actions) world we live in. Basketball, Basketball and more Basketball. There's not many sports I don't like.
Being with my wife and four kids under one roof and loving them until it drives them crazy!! When my oldest Alexis was my only child, I told her I would go to California make something of myself in entertainment, then I'd return to live a life with her weather in Cleveland or California, that was in 97. 2009 will be the year that dreams become reality for me , my family, my friends and many more!!Touching lives. Young and old, sick and healthy, poor and wealthy. The truth of the matter is money is a tool if you follow it long enough it will make you a fool. I want to travel around the world to the poor and destitute places and make an impact with the words I speak and the actions I take. My ultimate dream is to hear my children say,"Dad your the best and we couldn't asked for better.