The Social Network for meeting new people
  • zack the black gothic


    283 times


    January 8, 2010





  • About Me

    • ★★★ MCR ★★★ Muse ★★★ Keane ★★★ Korn ★★★ T.A.T.U ★★★ Blink 182 ★★★ Nirvana ★★★ The Cure ★★★ The Killer's ★★★ The Used ★★★ Vanilla Sky ★★★ Fall out Boy ★★★ The Click Five ★★★ Linkin Park ★★★ Plus 44 ★★★ Simple Plan ★★★ Panic at The Disco ★★★ Story Of The Year ★★★ Good Charlotte ★★★ Vartical Horizone ★★★ All American Rejects ★★★ Avenged Sevenvold ★★★ Killing Me Inside ★★★ Bring Me The Horizon

    • ★★★ Realita Cinta & Rock n Roll ★★★ Catatan Akhir Sekolah ★★★ Maling Kutang ★★★ Sumpah Pocong Di Sekolah ★★★ Jailangkung 1, 2, 3 ★★★ Pocong 1, 2, 3 ★★★ Sundel Bolong ★★★ Paku Kuntilanak ★★★ Sarang Kuntilanak ★★★ Hantu Jeruk Purut ★★★ Gentayangan ★★★ Kalong Wewe ★★★ Terowongan Casablanca ★★★ Bangsal 13 ★★★ Air Tejun Pengantin ★★★ (ALL FILM HORROR) ★★★ Get Married 1, 2 ★★★ Gila Bola ★★★ Sang Pemimpi ★★★ Wanita Berkalung Sorban ★★★ KCB 1, 2 ★★★ Laskar Pelangi ★★★ I'm Legend ★★★ Need For Speed 1, 2, 3, 4 ★★★ Transformer 1, 2 ★★★ 2 0 1 2 ★★★ Avatar ★★★ Ninja Assasin ★★★ Twilight ★★★ Zombie

    • ★★★ Jail ★★★ OKB ★★★ Termehek - Mehek ★★★ Extravaganza ★★★ Abdel Temon ★★★ Opera Van Java ★★★ Ups Salah ★★★ Dunia Lain ★★★ Scary Job ★★★ Premie Time ★★★ The Amazing Race ★★★ Sport 7 ★★★ One Stop Foot Ball ★★★ Galeri Sepak Bola Indonesia ★★★ Otomotif ★★★ Moto GP

    • ★★ reading and AL- Qur'an of AL Hadits ★★ ★★ all book which story all and prophet of rasul ★★ ★★ all magazine and comic ★★ ★★ all book about world history ★★

    • ★★★ CHELSEA FC ★★★ ★★★ ENGLAND ★★★

    • ★★★ I wish to have mint of money and make happy my family and also my mother and father ★★★

    • _...|..____________________, , ....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = ★ HunteR Girl★ ...../_==o; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _______.:/ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----"... ...//___// ..//___// .//___//

    • ★★★ Don't have played at love because love is blind do not recognize whoever can despise this by him ★★★

    • ▄▄▄▄ ★☆★ ╬ was born in town a thousand river on friday,8 june 1990 . . ╬ ★☆★ ▄ █ ▄ █ my activity every day █ ▄ █ ▄ ★★★ Pray each every time ★★★ Go to campus ★★★ Hangout ★★★ Sleep at home friend ★★★ Playing Band with my friend ★★★ Playing bilyard with my friend ★★★ Standing apart in darkness of night =] ★★★ Listening music because music is my soul there my heart calmness.. ▄ █ ▄ █ expectation █ ▄ █ ▄ ★★★ I wish to have mint of money and make happy my family and also my mother and father ★★★ ▄ █ ▄ █ political view █ ▄ █ ▄ ★ ╬B═L═A═C═K╬ ★ ╬G═O═T═H═I═C╬ ★ ▄ █ ▄ █ citation █ ▄ █ ▄ ★★★ Don't have played at love because love is blind do not recognize whoever can despise this by him ★★★ ▄▄▄▄