KaIrUl InDiE
i'm MUHAMAD KAIRUL DANIEL BIN RIZAL SANNY.bleh pgl KAIRUL,KEY or DANIELi'm 15 years old. ... if u all want know more abaut me. . . can add me to talk anytime ....i'm so simple and single...i'm easy at the friends...i don't like a girl who is not loyai.i like a girl which is simple,pretty,kind and alot more...i don' like to be friend with someone who is arrongant and selrish...i like a friend who is kind and gentleman...i be easy to wish a friend bat be friends hard for deside to have companies with bat me.i dot no for what reason.and i don't like to be a friend whic the stabling back a briend.alike merely also is friend to eat friend.i'm so superlative extremely at the hate to friend who in that way...