The Social Network for meeting new people

#1AA12 Family Gifting


    as the family growes it becomes harder to find the ones that need Collections , this will help free space in bulitains , and make everyone eazer to find , the forams , collections , wepons, consumables items if you need Collections put your level and you need every one can get to your profile, by cliking on your pic and thy can tell you what to put on your list that thy have, ,post all itemes you need to complet your colections , we have found if you do the lower levels first it gives the a eadge over others there level and all thy find are extras which thy can pass on , this way noone has to search for you and noone gets over looked , by helping one become stroner ,it helps us all to become stronger

    Personal Groups - Families - Other





    David R J pets INC / DHM