The Social Network for meeting new people

Ᏸond ๏f Ꮸircle Family VIP ROOM


    Ᏸond ๏f Ꮸircle Family VIP ROOM is solely created for BOC MEMBERS who would like to support BOC FAMILY. We have within BOC FAMILY Forum. Each Manager will be responsible of managing three topics. Your goal is to keep an eye on each topic to make sure members are not posting any posts that are inappropriate or rude to another member of our family. Also to encourage BOC Members to post in each Topic that you are responsible. This is not another group. It is only being created for support of BOC FAMILY. We would like for BOC Family to become stronger and have more Members attend on a regular basis. Supporting our members increase in value, assets and cash. Our strength depends on our members being active and strong and supporting each other. Thank you BOC VIP MEMBERS for making BOC FAMILY a Strong and rewarding group. Lets find the serious players and help them be strong. Thank you and Much love Goddess Deej! Please only invite ACTIVE PLAYERS to this FORUM. Thanks!

    Personal Groups - Other





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