John T🅰ROCKSTAR*famousVIP1951
Over 3 months ago
16747 times
Lightning Heart
Celebrity, "Who's Who in America & World" 1992-2006: Composer, musician, photographer, producer, "celebrity" in Staten Island, NY USA (New York City)
August 26, 2017
English, Français
About Me
I am "World-famous", per 13 people ("Who's Who in America/World" 26 times (1992-2006) I was born March 30, 1951 in Indiana, USA. I composed, produced, performed, recorded a new music work, 11-minutes long, "The Future Is Now - After the Seventh Trumpet" (classical crossover, World fusion) now on SPOTIFY, Amazon, iTunes, You Tube, Soundclick, Soundcloud, TomatoShark, the World..NEWS FLASH!***My NEW MUSIC was #1 on WORLD CHARTS on SOUNDCLICK, GLOBALLY! (DEC. 21 2017) #1 in World Fusion too! I've composed classical, avant garde, piano, orchestral, rock, pop, disco, love songs, jazz. I was born March 30, 1951 in Indiana, USA and I am age 67, and have been called a "Rock star" (12 years ago in L.A.) and a "celebrity" 11 years ago at STARBUCK's in South Beach, FL). I'm world-famous! Listed in 32 major books since 1989 in USA and England! Member of ASCAP since 1974, MENSA (983-2022). See and hear my music on Tomato Shark at this link: tomatoshark.com/storefront/johnthomas1951/ and hear me on Spotify music App, Amazon, Apple Music, YouTube, TWITTER @John_Thomas1951 and IG is john1951usa, my Pinterest is: @johnt1951 I listen to "Rock, pop, classical, jazz, Avant-Garde, World ".
James Bond movies (all), Epic movies, sci-fi (Time Machine, War of the Worlds, etc), romantic comedies, War movies, adventure, some Westerns, modern movies, music movies, thrillers, romance, certain adult movies ("Emmanuelle", "The Libertine", "The Babymakers", "Playboy Playmates", etc.), Star Wars, comedies, etc. I like these actresses: Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Ann-Margaret, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Hurley, Julia Roberts, Courtney Cox, and the modern beautiful and/or sexy actresses. I like sexy women and girls.
many TV shows, News, pbs arts & entertainment, history, science, music (VH1, MTV), Married With Children, Late night TV shows (Jimmy Fallon, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, the guy from the U.K., Adult sometimes (not recently), Playboy TV
"The Little Prince" and "Wind, Sand, and Stars" and "Flight to Arras" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery (French author and philosopher), "The Trial" and "The Castle" and "In the Penal Colony" and "Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Jules Verne, "The Time Machine" and "The Invisible Man" by H.G Wells, "Thurber's Carnival" by James Thurber (comedy), "The Great Escape" (true WWII story in Europe), "The Incredible Journey" (true story by Betty and Barney Hill of NJ USA in the 1960's about UFO encounter, attested to by Psychiatrist/hypnotist, on TV), "Project Blue Book" by Major Donald E. Keyhole, U.S. Air Force (1960's official report of U.S. Air Force to U.S. Gov on official "UFO sightings/report to the U.S.gov" as of 1965.... "The Stranger" by Albert Camus (French author), "Heart of Darkness" (existentialist: Joseph Conrad), "The Wasteland" and "Murder in a Cathedral" by T.S. Eliott, World Book Encyclopedia, "World Religions", "Exploring the Universe" (astronomy text book, 1972), "Expanded Cinema", biographies.
Football, basketball, tennis, golf, races (all kinds), Olympics, Grand Prix, etc.
Music (composing, performing, recording, and listening to rock, classical, jazz, electronic, avant-garde, disco, dance, pop, blues, R and B, Electronic/Dance, etc), photography, arts, entertainment, concerts, TV, radio, internet, computers, contract bridge (card game for 4 people), dining, travel, museums, reading magazines, girl-watching, shopping online, chess (rarely), and....sex (not necessarily in that order!), Tarot Cards, "Psychics", Philosophy, Romance, Beauty in all its Forms, etc.
I want to be the happiest man in the World (in all ways!!!!) and the richest man in the world (always) and to live forever or as long as possible, and to be the most successful, respected, and totally loved man in the world, with zero problems of any kind!!! Total protection too! I want to be the most sexually happy man in the world (with respect to good-looking females). I want the ultimate love life and romance life and to have the celebrity "Jet-set" rock star life, the life of the rich and famous! Travel the World, at any time, no debt, no medical or legal or financial problems! Everything fantastic. No jealous men and no enemies!!!
I am tested as a Genius in several different areas! Music, creativity, math, etc. Women like my face, my "rear", and when making love, my mid-section (with good-looking, or beautiful or hot and sexy women or girls of legal age, who desire me greatly!) I am known as a Pianist, Synthesist, Composer, my blue eyes, my 241-pound body. Also, moving right along....Great education, my high intelligence (Mensa member worldwide), my passion, my creative genius (according to Vern McNalley of Valley Cathedral, Phoenix, AZ and Scottsdale, AZ in 1988), musical genius, I have great legs and 'derriere' and sometimes, my man-thing. (you said here for me not to be shy with my answer!). I have the ultimate perseverance and 'drive'. I am a connesieur of the highest quality, and have been called "the Man With Champagne Taste" and the "Corporal of the Arts", and a "Visionary" and "Trendsetter", "20 years ahead of my time" (Karla Kraesig of Chicago, IL in 1989)...and last but not least, my intense blue eyes!! I'm left-handed (creativity). I am psychic and have genius intuition, according to psychics and Dr. Cleve Scott, former Professor Emeritus at Ball State University in Muncie, IN USA, from Hollywood.
I am a World-famous single man, musician, composer, former songwriter. My famous rock songs ("Chrissy", "First Things First", Night Visions", " Death of Rock and Roll") are on rock radio stations in L.A., even now, on "Lonely Oak Radio" worldwide now. I am from Indiana USA and have lived all over the USA! I have lived in New York City the past 13 years and am now in Staten Island, NY 10301-2108 (NYC) USA at Harbor Terrace in Room 301A on Henderson Ave. I've been called a "famous Rock Star", a musical genius, who has composed music since age of 8, played piano since age of 4, and I am in 32 major Who's Who reference books since 1989 in the USA and England, member of famous ASCAP and Mensa, worldwide, former member of NARAS (Grammy-awards org.) and AES, PPA, A.F. of M. Local #47, etc. I've been called a "World-famous celebrity" on Indianapolis rock radio and a "famous Rock Star" in 2006 and 2007", and "a Renaissance Man", "the "Man with Champagne Taste", "a modern-day prophet", "a music genius" (by music geniuses in 1995), a "trendsetter", a "visionary", "every woman's dream", a "living legend", influencer, the "Man with the Golden Voice", etc.
See my 20-minute music video (and photo slideshow) on You Tube...look me up there at www.youtube.com by name of "John Thomas - John David Thomas" for music vid called "Music of John Thomas - John David Thomas - "Night Visions", "Mystery World #2" and "Chant for Orchestra" etc in HD Stereo and HD video quality, excellent! Must see and hear! Famous music of mine!
Go to this URL link address: tomatoshark.com/storefront/johnthomas1951/ 60+ tracks of mine there in L.A. and Europe!!!
Follow me on Twitter @John_Thomas1951 (2,400 + Followers there for me) Connect!
Featured in 11 editions of famous "Who's Who in America" 1995-2006 and 15 editions of prestigious, difficult-to-get-into book, "Who's Who in the World" 1992-2006 and "Who's Who in Entertainment" 1992 and the "International Who's Who in Music for classical music" 1992, published in Cambridge, England by famous publisher Melrose Press, and the "International Dictionary of Intellectuals" 1992 by same publisher in England. Member of ASCAP (1974/87-) and Mensa (1983-) B.S. 1976 in "Music Theory and Composition", 1976 from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana USA. GM scholar at Purdue University, 1969-1970 in West Lafayette, Indiana USA. Eagle Scout, God and Country Award, 1960s. Also listed in "Who's Who in the West" 1989 and "Who's Who in the Midwest" and "Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America". My companies are John David Thomas Productions (1993-), "JDT Records (2001-) the original and famous one from Hamilton County, Indiana, and John David Thomas Photography and J D Thomas Music Co (ASCAP) and 6 other music publishers with ASCAP. My music is now on SPOTIFY, iTunes, Amazon, You Tube, Wix, Vimeo, Tomato Shark, Reverb Nation, the world, coming to Pandora!!! Was in AES,NARAS
Follow me on my Pinterest site (see my favorite photos of the world, women, arts, luxury, music, celebs, stars, more. Go to this URL to see and to Follow me there!!! www.pinterest.com/johnt1951 Enjoy!
Follow me on my Wordpress blogs...go to these URLs: johndavidthomasphotography.wordpress.com and john1951usa.wordpress.com See my photos, info, news, links, photos, more.
Frank Zappa (world-famous rock star and composer, guitar player, singer, producer); Jean-Luc Ponty (electric jazz-violinist, world-famous from Paris, France; Jerry Garcia; Garrick Olsen (world-famous classical pianist from Denmark, on many major world and European CD music labels); Arthur Fiedler (former world-famous music conductor of Boston Pops orchestra, famous); Christo (conceptual artist creator of "The Hanging Valley Curtain" 1-mile-wide orange ballistic nylon huge tall curtain stretched across a highway with tunnel cut out in the Western USA, in TIME magazine; and "The Running Fence"); Gary Fitch, Tom Padgett, Mark Moran, Kimmer Smith (4 rock star guitarists in Indianapolis, in my rock bands : "Good Conduct" (1973) and "John David" (1972-1974) and "Jetstream" (1978-1982) and "John David Thomas" w/ studio rock band in 1972-74 & 1979, 1982, 1983; John Toffolo (sound man for world-famous superstar rock band, The Who in London, England); Peter Gowland (famous glamour photographer, #1 on the West coast for years, 100+ Playboy magazine covers, COSMO and Cosmopolitan magazine covers; many other major national magazine covers, more....
My flag counter isn't working correctly, it's not counting views from others yet....I need somebody to fix it....
I want multiple friendships and multiple relationships and possible meetings in the future, if it works out and both are interested, etc. At present, I have no extra spending money.
Request me as a Friend (send a Friend Request) to me at my Facebook URL web address: www.facebook.com/johnt1951
My Google HANGOUTS Id is: johnt1951@gmail.com (leave me text message there....I am not on there much)....I use this once a month for 2 phone calls to CVS pharmacy here just 1 mile away on or about the 4th of each month to give a "Heads-up" to the store that I am coming in shortly by taxi, and to call the Taxi service to ask for pickup to go to CVS here. (It costs me $ 20 to go just one mile, roundtrip!...expensive!)
My Instagram IDs are: www.instagram.com/johnt1951 www.instagram.com/john1951usa (I am not using this very much now...I mostly use internet on my HP notebook computer, the "J9"
My TUMBLR Id name is: GeniusModernComposer
My Personal EMAIL addresses include: johndavidthomasphotography@yahoo.com johndavidthomas1@yahoo.com jdtrecords@yahoo.com moderncomposer@hotmail.com composerandartsman@excite.com jdtpvip@yahoo.com johndavidthomasproductions@yahoo.com john1951usa@yahoo.com johnt1951@gmail.com
I am hoping for a fantastic New Year of 2022, and for new prosperity to manifest in my life...and a great "love life" and "romance life" and finally, for a great "XXX life" for the first time in my life! As the famous Top 40 Pop-rock hit song in 2018 says, on New York radio here: "Unlimited Possibilities" are high on my wishlist of priorities and HAPPINESS to the Max!!!!!!