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Who Is Megan Griffin


    She is the oldest child of Lois and Peter Griffin and older sister of Chris and Stewie. Megan Griffin is a self-conscious teenage girl. Her self-consciousness causes her to desperately try to be part of the cool crowd, but this only results in her getting coldly rebuffed by Connie D'Amico, an insensitive, egotistical and irresponsible cheerleader. However, another student named Neil Goldman is attracted to her. She is also usually at the bottom of the family's pecking order and the butt of Peter's jokes due to her homeliness, tendency toward social awkwardness and lack of popularity. Everyone in her family, especially Peter and Chris, makes fun of her in every possible way they can, although on several occasions the family's true love for her has been proven. She has been so self-conscious and insecure about herself that she has engaged in dangerous sexual behavior just for attention.

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