The Social Network for meeting new people

•[sFo]• Super Friends Organization •[sFo]•


    We are a pawsitive and positive friendship alliance called Super Friends Organization. We are a collective of active “PETS Game Players,” that thrive off this creed: “One for all and all for one.” We as diverse men and women know we are only as strong as our weakest link. Thus, this is a supportive environment we play fairly and help each other when we can, always willing to teach the new players to PETS. We all wish to play with mutual respect, honor, and trust for one another. All while building lasting friendships on and offline; we are not a battle group out to conquer any other PETS Group. Most of us live our lives in this positive way already while striving to grow through real life lessons. For now, the Club is by invitation only from the Creator and Admin’s of the SFO. We are looking for quality members that enjoy playing the game, and take time to help each other. You were all chose by SFO because, you are a loving and honorable people.

    Games - Tagged Games - Pets





    SuperFriendsOrg •[sFo]• ♥ ✿Dreamz✿