United Friends & Pets 𝓤𝓕𝓟 ᵘᶠᵖ
𝓤𝓕𝓟 is a judgement free zone for people that simply love to have fun. People that want to make some good friends and/or want to grow in the pet game.You are not required but if you wish to you can put 𝓤𝓕𝓟 or ᵘᶠᵖ somewhere in your name. It is all up to your personal preference. The only thing we ask is to respect each other and read our rules so that everybody is able to have a great time while being active in our group. Join us, let's have fun and make some cool friends. Please be sure if requesting to join you accept my friend request first before being accepted. Any questions, comments or concerns please reach out to myself🌸M裏 ʝօ🌸 or my admin team, Ayad, M𝔸яḯuṨŹ or Shaz. We are here to help you in any way possible. Please enjoy your stay here.
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